Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Types of Graph

Introduction on Graph:

In mathematics, a graph is a theoretical depiction of a group of objects where a number of pairs of the objects are associated by the links. The interrelated objects are characterized by mathematical abstractions known as vertices, and the links that attach a number of pairs of vertices are known as edges. Normally, a graph is represented in illustrative form as a group of dots for the vertices, connected by lines or curves for the edges.
Types of Graph:
The following is the definition of graph types,
Undirected graph
The edges have no direction is known as undirected graph.
i.e., they are not ordered pairs, but sets {u, v} of vertices.
Directed graph
In this graph also known as digraph. It is an ordered pair D = (V, A)
V - vertices.
A - arcs, directed edges.
Mixed graph
G is a graph in which few edges might be directed and few might be undirected. It is written as an ordered triple G = (V, E, A).
Definition of multigraph is normally to mean that multiple edges are acceptable.
Simple graph
Here the edges of the graph form a set and every edge is a pair of separate vertices.
Weighted graph
The weight of the graph is the amount of the weights certain to all edges.

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