Wednesday, June 9, 2010

How to do fractions

A fraction number is one of a part in the whole number. A Fraction number consist of two parts in the number. The one part is top position of a number is called as a numerator value. Another part is bottom position of the number is called as a denominator value. That is numerator value divided by a denominator value. In the fraction is classified into two types. That is proper fraction number and improper fraction number. In this article we shall discuss about fractions in lowest terms.

How to do Fractions:
The simple procedure to perform fraction.
To divide given whole object into specified number of equal parts is called as fraction.
Following example illustrate how to do fractions and basic operations involved during fractions.
Example : fraction of 12 objects into 7 equal parts = 12/7
Verification - 1 object and 1/7th part of another objects when added 7 times gives apprximately 12 objects
fraction of 18 objects into 3 equal parts = 18/3
Verification - 6 object added 3 times gives 18 object.

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